Installation Department at Blount Island

Marine Corps Support Facility Blount Island

Nestled along the scenic St. Johns River, with direct access to the Atlantic Ocean, this strategic facility is a powerhouse of Marine Corps cutting edge logistics and tip of the spear operations. Our dedicated installations department meticulously plans and executes a comprehensive range of services, including facility maintenance, construction, environmental management, safety and physical security, to support Blount Island Command's critical prepositioning programs.

Spanning over 1,200 acres and encompassing roughly 110 buildings, MCSF-BI is a hub of activity, complete with bustling port operations, specialized repair facilities and expansive conservation areas. Our private 1,000-foot marine slipway, equipped with five vessel berths and a high-capacity, rail-mounted crane, enables efficient loading and unloading of U.S. Navy maritime prepositioning ships, ensuring global readiness.

According to the 2023 economic impact analysis by Marine Corps Installations East, more than $188 million per year flowed through MCSF-BI, including workforce salaries, construction projects and obtaining materials, supplies, services and other miscellaneous items and expenditures. Purchasing and contracting alone delivered nearly $100 million into the economy.

Environmental Management

Marine Corps Support Facility Blount Island is not just a logistical marvel but also a steward of a delicate Florida ecosystem. Committed to sustainable operations, we strive to minimize risks from changing weather patterns and rising seas through proactive conservation of natural and cultural resources. Our environmental management strategy goes beyond mere compliance; it's a collective effort of roughly 1,200 active duty military and appropriated civilians dedicated to continuous improvement and enhanced environmental performance. We are committed to environmental excellence and protecting our ecosystems, which includes reducing the use of non renewable natural resources. 

At MCSF-BI, we harmonize operational excellence with environmental stewardship to maintain a robust and ready Maritime Prepositioning Force, while also protecting our shared ecological heritage. Our commitment to rigorous-yet-practical environmental policies yields enduring benefits, ensuring the preservation of the natural resources vital to sustaining our facility.

For more information, contact the environmental team at


Safety Office

Effective Recordkeeping: A Cornerstone of Marine Corps Safety and Health

Accurate recordkeeping is vital to the Marine Corps' safety and health initiatives for several compelling reasons:

  • Prevention through Insight: By diligently tracking work-related injuries and illnesses, we gain valuable insights that help us prevent future incidents.

  • Identifying and Addressing Risks: Injury and illness data serve as a roadmap, allowing us to pinpoint problem areas. The more comprehensive our data, the better equipped we are to identify and rectify hazardous workplace conditions.

  • Enhancing Program Management: Precise records enable us to administer safety and health programs more effectively, ensuring they are targeted and impactful.

  • Fostering Awareness and Engagement: As employee awareness of injuries, illnesses and workplace hazards increases, so does their commitment to safe work practices and the reporting of potential risks.

By prioritizing meticulous recordkeeping, we not only uphold our commitment to the well-being of our Marines but also cultivate a proactive and informed safety culture.

After completing any of the below forms, please send to

Click any column header to sort table data.
Work Behavior Observation Form (WBO Card)MCSF-BI WBO Card v7.pdf
Report Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Condition FormREPORTOFUNSAFECOND Blank11401 jb.pdf
Anonymous Safety Reporting Program (Anymouse Form)The ANYMOUSE Form.pdf

Installation News